PotePillars is a strategic programme that adapts to challenges with its open systems and dynamic programmes. It can do so since it is built on our values and credo.
Our School is a citadel of education, research, and health care. We are building a special School with special people. Teachers, healing professionals, students, administrative staff are our partners in this. We are doing this in order to meet our social mission, namely, to fulfil the high, internationally recognized standards of medical education and to provide research with innovative thinkers. The principles of “Learning, Healing & Development” guide us in the changing socio-economic conditions of the 21st century, building on the resources of our community, which is creativity, innovation, and commitment.
Principles of implementation
The involvement and attraction of faculty communities is the most important for implementation
PotePillars is an all-encompassing, years-long strategy in the life of the faculty – a “MotherBrand”.
We pay extra attention to marketing and continuous communication towards the public opinion of the faculty and outsiders.

Who do we want to involve?
Every student, educator and employee of the Medical School.
What do we want?
- The formation of a new, shared, modern, successful and attainable view of the future.
- Commitment and responsibility in every dimension of our activities.
- Improvement of our competitiveness, successful marketing.
- Development of faculty community.
What are we building on?
- The values and achievements of the past years
- The marked intention of the Dean’s leadership and the support of implementation
- The demand for growth and development in faculty citizens
- The commitment, openness and eagerness of educators, students and administrative workers
- The community building force of common thinking and action
- Convincing and organising power of inspiring and realistic goals
- The methodology used during implementation (by developing structures)

Goals of the
Learning Culture concept
developing the complex, personalised learning culture at the faculty
change of paradigms: switching from teaching culture to learning culture
creating commitment via ensuring that every faculty member continuously “learns” from each other, promoting development
support of new learning methodologies, providing students, educators and administrative workers with the opportunity to try these models

Goals of the
Infrastructure concept
The concept and ongoing planning is looking to answer the following questions*:
How will the faculty environment be better and liveable?
What environment should we be working, teaching, living in on the faculty?
What architecture views should be taken into account during the design of new developments?
How does infrastructure serve learning, matriculation and marketing?
How can we renovate our old buildings?
*With the involvement of professionals, coordinated by UP architects, thinking and planning in accordance with the „Learning culture” pillar

Goals of the
Science and Innovation concept
determining scientific goals and tools
determining ranking goals, realities and tool (THE, SciVal)
fostering, emphasizing and developing systems of innovation
planning economic use, building business models
integrating freelancer experts, market characters and new points of view

Goals of the
“Well-being” concept
developing the viewpoints, faculty goals and tools of health preservation
determining goals of faculty sporting, surveying possibilities
creating catering options, buffets, places to chat and sit (cafés)
maintenance and development of highly professional mental hygiene needs
integrating well-being, or renewal as a point of view into the life of the faculty