Dean's Competition for Student Researcher Society Essays 2023

3 May 2023

Call for applications - Dean's Competition for Student Researcher Society Essays

The Dean of the University of Pécs Medical School is calling for applications for Undergraduate Research Society essays.

Students who have been members of the Undergraduate Research Society for at least a year may apply for the competition. The topic of the application can be a previously published topic by the teaching institutes or a previously not published topic recommended and accepted by the student's supervisor at the Undergraduate Research Society.

The essay can be submitted in Hungarian, English, or German.

The formal requirements are the following:

  1. margins: upper 2 cm, bottom 2 cm, right 2.5 cm, left 2.5 cm (another 1 cm on the left side in bound format);
  2. font: 12 pt Times New Roman CE;
  3. space between lines: 1.5 (justified);
  4. recommended length: 30-40 pages.

The essay can be submitted by assigning a motto, or by naming the author's and the home institute of his/her activities in the Undergraduate Research Society (applications with a motto shall be supplemented with the personal identification data in a closed envelope).

The essay should be submitted to the Dean's Office in one bound or paper-bound copy, and also in pdf format to the e-mail address until 13 October 2023 (Friday)1 p.m. The submitted essay will be evaulated by the committees appointed by the Dean.

The results of the Dean's Essay will be announced within the framework of a festive session of Undergraduate Research Society.

The award-winning Dean's Essay can be accepted as a thesis, thus if the author of the thesis held a presentation from his/her essay topic at an Undergraduate Research Society conference and won a prize (grand prize, first, second or third prize), the author does not have to defend the thesis, it is automatically graded excellent.


Pécs, 2 May, 2023.

Dr. Miklós NYITRAI


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