The opening ceremony of the new academic year at our School and the Faculty of Pharmacy took place on 5 September.
In his speech, Professor Attila Miseta, Rector of the University of Pécs, said that he is confident that pleasant surprises await the students entering the gates of the university: the new educational and theoretical building, which is unique in the country, was completed and handed over shortly before the opening ceremony, and a brand-new dental building will also await them.
“In addition to the facilities, there is also an excellent teaching staff,” said the Rector, who asked the young people to take their studies seriously, as they will face several challenges. He added that although talent is not measured equally, perseverance and diligence always bring the expected results.
After the Rector’s speech, Dr. Balázs Veres, associate professor and secretary of the English Program, and Professor Peter Than, Head of the German Program, greeted the students.
At the beginning of his speech, Professor Lajos Botz, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, mentioned the difficulties of the previous academic year caused by the pandemic, emphasizing that the future requires professionals who can respond quickly and effectively to change and that they aim to train such pharmacists. The Dean did not promise that there will come easy years regarding their studies, but he did say that at the time of graduation, they will be specialists with a natural science background, prepared in pharmaceutical-health-pharmaco-economic studies, who will be successful and will easily find a job in both Hungary and abroad.
The first-year students then took a vow and were greeted by Martin Pénzes, Vice-President of the Medical School’s Student Council, Laith Raed Faisal Musharbash, a sixth-year English program student, and Philipp Benkendorf, a fourth-year German program student.
The deceased professors and staff members who are no longer among us in this academic year were commemorated at the opening ceremony as well:
Dr. Mázló, Mária, retired researcher of the Central Electron Microscope Laboratory
Dr. Gallyas, Ferenc Sr., professor emeritus of the Department of Neurosurgery
Dr. Fekete, Miklós, professor emeritus of the Department of Paediatrics
Nagy, Zoltán, dissector, staff member of the Department of Pathology
Dr. Ábrahám, István, full professor, director of the Institute of Physiology
Dr. Laklia, Józsefné, Járányi, Etelka Ágnes, retired office manager of the Department of Behavioural Sciences
Buzádi, Zoltán, warehouse worker, staff member of the Central Clinical Pharmacy
Dr. Losonczy, Hajna, professor emerita of the 1st Department of Internal Medicine