The mirror of a colourful student community – another international cookbook created at the UP

15 September 2023

After 2009, the first university of Hungary, the University of Pécs, has published another cookbook on September 14. The book composed of recipes submitted by international students is mainly focusing on soups, salads, and desserts, but the goal is the same: getting to know the gastro-culture, tastes and unique dishes of students from over 130 countries. The organisers presented some dishes from the cookbook at the publication ceremony.

One of the globally unique products of the University of Pécs is the “50 Delicacies on Earth” cookbook, published in 2019 with the active participation of students. Based on the success and many positive reviews, the need for a sequel was obvious. Therefore, 50 more recipes were collected by the editors, after a recipe competition announced to the almost 5000 international and 17000 Hungarian students; this time, the focus was on soups, salads, and desserts.

“It could symbolic, that the second university cookbook is published in the centenary year: the start of modern higher education in Pécs was 100 years ago. The probably most colourful and international university of the country can be rightfully proud of the intercultural environment surrounding students, researchers, and citizens in the past centuries” – said dr. Attila Miseta rector. he called the cookbook a unique idea worthy of a sequel.

“We saw after the publication of the first book, that a unique thing was born at the University of Pécs as a result of a large-scale cooperation. The project shows how influential the meeting of cultures is in internationalisations, and how much closer to each other we can get if we sit at a able and share food while having discussions” – added dr. István Tarrósy, director of the UP International Directorate. He pointed out that the University of Pécs now has an internationally unique cookbook series.

“The cookbook project is the gem of our internationalisation. The inclusion and active participation of student communities is clearly visible in it. We are very proud of it, since we are working on ensuring that students arrive in an international environment that is about the UP, about living in Pécs and the shared community” – he emphasized.

Dr. István Tarrósy also pointed out that the cookbook was created with the support of the UP Medical School, but the Faculty of Health Sciences also played a large role by lending their teaching kitchen to chef Ákos Lokodi to prepare the student’s recipes. The cooking processes and the final dishes were photographed by Lajos Kalmár.

“The UP cookbooks have a symbolic meaning to me: they show how colourful our student community is” – explained dr. Miklós Nyitrai, dean of the Medical School. As he said, the newly published book is part of a long process that fits into the sentiment of the university, into ensuring student and employee wellbeing.

The dean believes that the publication of the second volume shows the success of the first one – and the popularity of the thought process of the project. Dr. Miklós Nyitrai thanked everyone involved in the project and added: he would welcome if the initiative had a continuation.

Next, initiator and Medical School coordinator of the project Anikó Berta, Ákos Lokodi chef and Lajos Kalmár photographer talked about the work that went into the cookbook, highlighting exciting challenges, behind the scenes secrets, and welcomed guests to a menu made of dishes included in the cookbook. Dishes were presented by the students who submitted them into the cookbook.

Students participating in the creating of the cookbook were welcomed at the UP Medical School, and each of them were given a copy of the book. The cookbook will be available for purchase in Líra bookstores.


Szabolcs CSORTOS/UnivPecs


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