The Peer Program was initiated in 2019 at the University of Pécs Medical School, with the aim of providing help. The members are the Peers, to whom students can turn to at any time with different problems. We asked them about their experiences and their motivation to participate in the program.
Written by Hanga KOVÁCS
„I joined the Peer Program, because I know what it means as a student to be able to reach out to someone who has already gone through the whole way and experienced these challenges. The Medical School is not only about the huge amount of curriculum, but also about getting to know effective learning techniques and proper time management, not to mention the complexity of the study related administration. I would like to give back the support that I received from both upper students and teachers. I hope that through my own experiences I can share useful pieces of advice and encourage incoming students to trust themselves, take the opportunities provided by the University and dare to dream big during this period.” – Laura SULICS, a fifth-year general medicine student shared her thoughts, who has been a member of the Peer Program since 2022.
She also mentioned that she had participated in foreign exchange programs, had been to Germany and Thailand for a month in each, so she is happy to provide support to those who are interested in international opportunities.
"I also consider the Peer Program especially valuable, because it builds a community in which everyone is able to improve by learning from each other. Cooperating with international students is really important, since they have a different way of mindset and learning approach, so students with different backgrounds can improve together.
Everyone processes challenges in their own way, so different methods can often result in new ideas. I trust that with proper support and encouragement, everyone can bring out the best versions of themselves." – she added.
The fourth-year pharmacy student Jeff MUCHIRI WAWERU, coming to the University of Pécs from Kenya, shares a similar opinion. He participated in the International Mentoring Program, also at the Undergraduate Research Society Conference, and has been active as a peer for a year.
He was engaged in the „Chill with the Peers” program, as well as in group sessions organised by Psychology Counselling at the Medical School.
„My motivation for joining the program roots in my passion for helping others. As a first-year student, I had to face many challenges while trying to adapt to the new environment. It was my first time leaving my country, so I was excited and overwhelmed at the same time.
I was fortunate, because I had a mentor in the Stipendium Hungaricum program who provided valuable guidance regarding different difficulties, such as immigration procedures, enrollment, health examinations, or getting information related to insurance applications. At first, I wondered how I was going to solve all these on my own, everything seemed so unfamiliar.” – he said.
According to him, counselling among students has a vital part in awareness-raising, not only regarding educational issues, but also in connection with life in general. He added that young people feel better when they can share their challenges with their Peers rather than with teachers or the colleagues of the University.
„The Peer Program gives students the chance to meet upper year students in an informal and calm environment, so they would feel free to ask questions without being judged. Our main goal is to help those who turn to us all the way through, supporting their proper integration.” – said Prithvi PASUPATHY, a sixth-year general medicine student from London, who said that students often require information about the Immigration Office or how to open a bank account.
He sometimes accompanies them on their way, and in some cases, they have the opportunity to explore other parts of the city together.