- schedule of the academic year
- Course registration deadlines:
- two main periods of the subject-and course registration:
- registration and dropping of obligatory courses and criterion requirements in Neptun: the two weeks preceding the instruction period (registration period)
- registration and dropping of elective, optional subjects, criterion requirements and exam courses: the week before instruction period (last week of registration period) and the first week of instruction period
- Registering for groups:
- registration of the obligatory courses happens in three phases in Neptun:
- active students following their recommended curriculum (they have to have advantage during course registration) can register the courses into their own registered groups: until 8am Saturday of the first week of the registration period
- independently from the recommended curriculum everyone with active status can register to courses, but only in their own, registered group: from 8am Saturday of the first week of registration period until 8am Monday of the second week
- every active student can register to any course of any group depending on the free places: from 8am Monday of the second week of registration period until Wednesday midnight
- the students’ registration for small-group classes (seminar / practice) is information for the course director, after that it is the course director’s authority to set the final groups.